
Global Databases available

We provide two detailed list for your use in business:

Global Carsharing Operators

The Global Carsharing Operators database has 400 entries and is available e.g. for CarSharing technology suppliers. Operators are always interested in testing cost-saving new solutions and technologies.

You may also use our database to learn about Carsharing in your country or to get in touch with worldwide operators - or many other purposes!

The database does not hold confidential information from the carsharing survey.

Global Carsharing Suppliers

Global Carsharing Suppliers database has 40 entries and gives you insights into professional providers of carsharing technology. You may use our database to learn about CarSharing technologies or to get in touch with the providers - or many other purposes!

Interested? Contact us.


team red International Consulting GmbH
Almstadtstr. 7
10119 Berlin

You can contact us daily from 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (CET):

By Phone (we call back)

+49 (0)30 138 986 35

or by Email.